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Are You Making Brushing Mistakes?

It is not news to many that one of the basics for good oral health is brushing the teeth. It is one thing that most people do if they want to avoid problems. There are other things that can improve your oral health beside brushing, but brushing is something you learn from a young age.

The problem is that brushing is only as effective as the way that you do it. You may not get the benefits you want from brushing and it is possible to cause harm when brushing it you do not do it right. You may brush without much thought because you have done it so long and you may not realize you are making some basic brushing mistakes.

The Most Common Brushing Mistakes

Before reading this list of mistakes, realize that you are not alone if you are making any of them. These are common mistakes that people make because they are in a hurry, because they learn wrong or because they did not know it was a mistake.

  • Not Brushing Long enough – It takes a little time to make sure you properly brush your teeth and gums. We recommend brushing your teeth for two minutes to get the best results. The best way to resolve this mistake is to turn to toothbrushes that have some sort of timer or using a timer when you do brush.
  • Not Brushing everything – Even if you brush for two minutes, that does not mean you brushed all the areas of your mouth. Commonly missed areas include backs of teeth, the back teeth, the gums and the tongue.
  • Brushing too Hard – Aggressive brushing of the teeth can cause damage to the gums and teeth. Along with not exerting too much pressure, it is also a good idea to use a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Bad technique – The proper technique for brushing your teeth is top concentrate on small areas and move the toothbrush in a circular motion.

Some other mistakes people make include using too much toothpaste, not getting new toothbrushes regularly and not seeing a dental professional regularly. The good news is that these mistakes are easy to fix. All you have to do is recognize what you do.

Feel free to contact the dental professionals at our offices for anything you want to know about your oral health and your dental habits.

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